In my life experience I have seen and met people who where such an inspiration for me, but also for others I am sure. I have also seen those who couldnt find inspiration, didnt know how to, were stuck in a situation where they had a hard time getting back on their feet. They maybe even took the choice to be stuck there, not willing to move or to try to lift themselves up and out of the situation they were stuck in. I am totally aware that their experience could be that they have simply lost hope and faith, thats dangerous. I am although convinced that there is help out there somewhere, all it takes to ask for it, or to take it when its being offered.
I have met many so called "Victims", people who took the choice to stay in this so called role, that the entire world is against them. Maybe this is a comfortable kind of picture for a while, but we are rsponsable for ourselves in this life of ours, to get up again. I know I may sound hard and tough bringing out this opinion and maybe not my right to judge.
I do understand there are circumstances that really gives a good reason for being sad or depressed etc. I truly understand. And I truly respect this. This is a huge topic, but my message is dont surround yourself with people who make you unhappy or not inspiring at least for too long. Find inspiration elsewhere then. The sea, the music, paint, the mountains, the nature.. what ever can lift you up.. and move forward to a happier life. Try to inspire others aswell, give them hope if they are down. Help them to see " The light" and not only darkness.