“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.”
Pablo Picasso

Referencer Romanians in Network
” Hello Jette!
It's three and a half years now(wow, time passes quick, doesn't it?) since you helped me with information, talking on Skype and support to find accomodation in Copenhagen even before I got here. It felt easier to leave my home and come here, knowing that I have someone willing to help in need, always here for me. It was your advices that helped me find accomodation myself 2 days before I got here, and yet you helped me with the contract and explaining legal stuff involved for getting the CPR. And you've done it without expecting anything in return since I found the accomodation myself, this being an act of pure kindness that I am not so much used to...
I want to thank you and say that I appreciate very much your work, all you did for me and my fellow romanian friends or school mates. After knowing what a great help you are, I arranged with Raluca(from our school's international students office) the meeting between you and other 40 future schoolmates 3 years ago. And that went great, I know more than 10 found a place to live directly through you, plus the advices that helped the others just like me.
And finally thank you for helping Valentina and her family from Romania after she passed away. I know you kept in touch with her all the time after finding her accomodation 3 years ago, and you've done a lot helping with her personal and legal stuff this summer. You care about us. You're not offering your help just as a business... I appreciate this more than you know!
Good luck with what's coming next and I hope you'll be around for many years to come, 'cause we need you a lot!
Best regards,
Cris N.
” My dear, I follow you because I was impressed by what you did for Valentina, I feel it's better for me to be around you, somehow I feel we share the same feelings. I would liked to meet you in my 3 visits in Copenhagen, but I'm sure that I will meet in Bucharest, soon. Do what you did before and if you need something, do not hesitate to ask me. Send you my appreciation!”
Elena F.
” You're amazing, Jette ... you really are an ambassador of Romania in Copenhagen. Thank you from my heart for the wonderful picture and for that I met you, my dear! I will write soon...I hug you fondly!”
Nicoleta C.
R. C.
This can be a valuable tip for new comers (but not only).
Right now I am in a kind of a trial with the landlord from which I rented an apartment about 8-9 years ago.
Because I was new in Denmark, I had no clue about Danish language neither renting contracts. So I've signed the contract without really looking at details besides the rent price and deposit.
Only now I see the real problem. I've signed a contract without thinking about what the contract details were really saying and what should have I done with it. The contract was indicating that everything is new in the house (even though I stayed in that apartment for about 6 months already before signing the contract).
During these 8-9 years I had many times issues with the landlord but I didn't know what exactly to do. I didn't know my rights.
Now I am in a conflict with my landlord and this lady Nielsen Jette is keep helping me since the beginning with really good advices and support. Too bad I didn't know her in Aalborg when I moved to ask for her support when I had to sign that contract cause many things could be avoided.
If you move somewhere, you will need her advices. You might save a lot of money with it. Or try to go to the apartments where she connects you cause I think she will connect you to a good landlord.
I really recommend her and I hope her support will be valuable for you the same as it was for me.

Fenella Chudoba. Austria
"I just recently received an analysis from Jette and must say it was spot on. Let me introduce myself.. I'm an Austrian actress, currently living and working in New York. Born and raised in Vienna into a family of musicians and teachers, who put a lot of care into my upbringing in every possible way. Because of that I have been exposed to many different philosphies, healing techniques, horoscopes and ways of anaylsis and assessment ;)so this review is coming from someone who has some experience with these things...
It's amazing to me how just from looking at colour combinations, one can see so much about a person. It's very clear to me that Jette has a vast knowledge about Aurasoma but that does not make up the entire reading, she also uses her intuition and seems to have great insight through that. I found everything she said to be very true about myself. Some things that are not easy to hear - but those are exactly the things we need to be told and in my opinion why we should get readings like these, to find out what needs to be worked on. Jette directly pointed those issues out to me (which I appreciate immensely when someone can be very honest) while still remaining gentle in her choice of words and also highlighting the positive sides, having it all be focused on how to make the situation better or turn the behaviour into something good and/or how to make use of it. I felt encouraged. I also have to say that I got her write up a couple days ago and everytime I read it, I understand it in a new way. That to me shows the potency and depth behind her words. Put in a simple way but yet saying a lot, having many layers. I got what I wanted, but now I also want more ;)which (as she pointed out to me) I do all the time... Wanting more... Try it out yourself, I predict I won't be the only one feeling this way!!"
Thanks Jette!

What a wonderful thing happened to me today! After you asked me to tell you my favorite colors and 4 numbers, you've done me a reading. It is a great experience to find things about you from the perspective of a person who does not know you. I was surprised how close you were my true personality, which made me more open and more desire to correct what I'm doing wrong, especially to find out what is my mission in this life. I understand it's nice to get help from others from time to time but also to tell people loud and clear when they wrong.
It would be much to say, I am still under the effect of the confirmed, so I need time to think about many things.
Thanks for your time and yes, it is amazing what you can do with colors!
Ce lucru minunat mi s-a intamplat astazi! Dupa ce m-ai intrebat care sunt culorile mele preferate si mi-ai cerut 4 numere, mi-ai trimis o "citire". Este o experienta extraordinara sa afli lucruri despre tine din perspectiva unei persoane care nu te cunoaste. Am fost surprinsa cat de aproape ai fost de personalitatea mea, lucru care m-a facut sa fiu mai deschisa catre cunoastere si de a-mi dori sa corectez acolo unde gresesc, dar mai ales sa aflu care este misiunea mea personala. Am inteles ca este bine sa ceri ajutor din cand in cand dar si sa spui clar si tare atunci cand ceilalti gresesc.
Ar fi multe de spus, sunt inca sub efectul celor confirmate de tine, am nevoie de timp sa ma gandesc la multe lucruri.
Multumesc pentru timpul acordat si da, este uimitor ce poti face cu culorile!

Anthony Lynstein May 2014
New York, NY, United States·
"Jette, the art Therapy session was nothing short of amazing. It confirmed a lot of what I believed in and showed me a good perspective of who I am and how I navigate life. Thank you so much for helping assess some fine tune details that I didn't even know existed! Everyone should try it!"

"Jette Horn is a clever, wise and very intelligent woman.
She manages very quickly to understand who you are as a person and the
various reasons that have caused you being locked into different patterns, anxiety,
low self esteem etc. No need not to spend a lot of time to tell your life story.
She is very quick witted and cuts through immediately.
Jette has this amazing ability to help you rise again, when you maybe feel at your
lowest self and that all you can think of is giving up.
The important thing is that you have the will, the faith, and hope that things can change,
then you definitely will, accompanied and guided by Jette, experience the most wonderful things and definitely see results.
Dreams that had been abandoned many years ago, may become a reality within a very short period of time, as well as abilities you did not realize you possess.
Jette has the ability to see what you are good at, and make you aware that you don't exploit yourself optimally.
I highly recommend Jette Horn. "
Iben A. Hansen - Copenhagen 2011

“Dear Jette,
By coincidence, I "ended" up in your painting session in Copenhagen.
I have never had a painting brush in my hand ever.
You were terrific at communicating your knowledge to us and great at
awakening my interest for painting and colors.
I have since then, used a paint brush and painted many paintings.
It's truly amazing to be able to relax just by the use of colors after a long and stressed workday.
This has truly changed my life.
Thank you for that!”
Best wishes,
Elzbieta Christiansen - Denmark 2009

"Dear Jette,
You have a rare ability to express your thoughts and ideas about humans and then put them into practice. It's your great insight into the human mind, your friendly way to articulate them and most importantly, your respect for your fellow human being's views,
that makes you a great adviser to many insecure souls.
You are aware that it is not enough just to advise them and leave them to their own fate,
but to show each and every one interest, so the whole thing doesn't fall to the ground.
I have clearly seen you as a role model and lured a lot of things off, which can be used not only in a group with/for advice or for other purposes, but also in everyday life, it has been an inspiration to see how you tackle your fellow humans.
You are not afraid to intervene in a verbal situation that could escalate unfortunate.
You do this with kindness and a firm hand.
It testifies to a great psychological sense, almost psychic, I believe.
It is one of your greatest strengths, which is a gift of God that you manage so perfectly.
It's easy enough to get ideas and thoughts, most can do that, but to get them implemented, see that's not always easy, cause will they win the sympathy?
That's not certain, but for you Jette, it has never been a problem, otherwise there probably wouldn't be as many listening to you as there are, within your field."
Daniella L - Copenhagen 2006

"There are prejudices and air swirling" around the concept of "Alternative Medicine".
It sounds a little occult and mysterious when we have to consider something we do not understand and doesn't have the authority of societies acceptance.
However, now "Alternative Therapy", is in a completely different light - at least with this present scribe. It happened after Aura Soma therapist Jette Horn, in only minutes told exactly what had happened to him a year ago. Not least because she with an unspeakable certainty, hit the spot.”
Lau Ishøj Journalist - Copenhagen 1998

“Hello Jette!
I promised to tell what has been going on since I did the test on your web-site.
As I told you, I was very surprised that even based on the quick test on the website you could tell so much about me as a person – how I react in things and somewhat act more in a masculine way that maybe is good for me as a person.
I was eager to do the “Create-a-picture” Art Therapy session with you because I felt that it could give me better view of which direction I should start working with myself.
When I first looked at the white canvas in front of me, I felt panic.
What if I cannot draw anything sensible? What if I mess up the whole session?
I certainly cannot paint – have never done it with “real colors” and it felt so serious.
When you left me alone, I felt curiosity coming out of me and I thought:
“OK. You said I shouldn’t draw anything – just use colors I like and feel using.
Blame yourself if this is not going to work..”
I picked the first tube with my left hand – as was instructed – I wanted to have green, yellow and turquoise- but not from the tube directly – of course not! Mix and try and mess the result on the canvas – FUN! It was really fun. To find exactly right shades was difficult when you are not used to it but it was much more fun than use the ready colors in tubes.
Of course the result was not exactly what I saw in my mind but idea was there.
When you, Jette, came in and started to tell me what you saw in the picture.
I was amazed once more. It felt like you were my close friend and new things because of that.
But that’s not the case: you just know your area and are professional in that.
In the quick test you commented that I didn’t use all colors – one of the reasons is in fact that the test related to clothes and I’m rather traditional and classic in that area.
You saw the difference in the painting as well: all colors were there- even the green.
We discussed a lot how my coloring relates to my work and recovering from burn out.
I have felt unsure of myself, my limits, how I’ll react in things happening around me and how my expectations sometimes crash with realities.
I truly felt hilarious when I drove home and next day my husband came after finding the painting in my study. “What a nice colorful painting – we need to frame it and have it on the wall!”
I tried to explain that it is a picture of me – not a piece of art – and I’m definitely going to continue with drawing/coloring but I’m so not an artist.
And definitely don’t want to have that piece on the wall – because I don’t feel like that any more.
Funny things have happened since the session and discussion with you, Jette.
I feel happy and capable of doing almost anything.
I’m facing a challenge professionally and six months ago had probably fainted when even thinking of doing this thing. Now I’m excited and believe I’ll manage.
And I wear turquoise when needing ideas and self assurance.
Somehow this my love in life shows in me: My neighbors in the area who normally are very
distant and cool in a friendly way – like Swedish people can be.
They stop me while I’m out with my dog and start a conversation - sometimes going into very personal things as well. We have lived there for three years soon and it is not any coincidence that just now the attitude changes. It is lovely. (When writing this I feel orange - an improvement, eh?)
It is nice to see what happens next. I’m convinced that you started a avalanche by throwing a small snowball. And it feels really good to feel confident about oneself. Of course I’m still in the beginning of a long process, but I’m first time confident that I can find who I became as a person after the difficult years passed.”
Best regards,
Marjo Krantz - Sweden 2008

"I very often just sit here and contemplate about the things you write on www.24.dk
(now known as www.mx.dk) I always find some good and thought worthy presentations from you.
I think you are superb at getting "Mingler's" and other "good people" to really think about life.
Have you ever considered writing a book about all of these super interesting presentations?
(Your concept). Just an idea that I think would definitely be groundbreaking ;)
I think many people deserves a chance to get asked "questions" in this good and non-judgmental way in which you manage. Your abilities to really get people to seek answers within themselves,are truly fantastic. Personally, your approach means everything to me.
You manage to continue to be the questioner in the debates, which works as a fuel to keep it going.
The worst I have experienced here are groups where they believe they are the only ones with the actual truth in different topics and often are very insistent on their personal opinions.
When it doesn't go as desired, it can be very easy to take things personal.
The art must be to keep the debates alive and to give as many people as possible, the interest in participating.
And you certainly manage to do so, in my humble opinion Jette.
Hugs Sus "
Sus - Copenhagen 2007