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"Dear Butterfly".

I did a bit of thoughts today when it comes to the topic communication. I remember how insecure I was being at school having to go to the blackboard or being asked questions, in case I couldnt answer, or if my answer was incorrect. I was not being helped to become better at it, but I learned that what I had to say was not really of any value. This is a huge topic if I go into it to tell and explain.

The reach the point where you as a person are honest, and you tell what you feel, what you have on mind, is not to put in the category of weakness. Your intentions may be misunderstood, you may ask quiestions in regards to things you simply dont understand which is being interpreted as attacks, depending on who the reciever is.

Depending on how we grew up, the way we did communicate with our parents, siblings, friends etc. we learn, either to protect ourselves, or to be open about whats going on in our mind, and how we feel. We may continue to "Suffer" from not daring to open up, if we do not change this pattern holding it all back and hide ourselves. There is the risk of being hurt, but somehow there is a good risk also that we grow stronger and better in this topic. Not by being agressive in the way we communicate, but in the way that we learn how to get the dialogue where both parts are able to both speak and listen.

We will at the same time also learn to find a balance in how to communicate with others... this is a huge topic too.

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