Years ago I was thinking of taking art lessons in connection with other studies same time. I took a few lessons, gave it up since I wanted to find my own ways (Learning by doing) and I began to notice things around me even more. The smallest details that I normally would not be aware of. I remember at the same time my youngest daughter was really aware of everything she noticed when we went for walks. Just like smaller kids does it... the flowers, the birds etc. and they ask questions like: "What is this?" lots of questions we as adults has to answer and we gladly do.
In times details is more in regards to focus on other peoples behavior, the way they look, act and say. We remember the details, remember failures, we remember to criticize one another, and we forget to be positive and enjoy life every single minute. This is often connected with being an adult.
Being creative, being an artist, the details matters. Not so much the art of being a perfectionist, but the art of being able to expres and to tell. To pass on and inspire. It may be as an actor/actress, a painter, a singer, a musician, a dancer, a chef, an architect, you name it. To love life we have to see and feel the details.